E-mail for those with Money to Burn

I don't know what Eric Schmidt, the founder of Google would said if he know about email provider "elite750". Not like him with his company that provided mass with free email service. Not like usual email provider that cost you a little or no buck at all. Elite750 one is intended for people considered himself as very rich (or very stupid LOL). Claimed to be the world's first exclusive e-mail adress with only 750 members seat available. To gain access and using the privilege of @elite750.com , you must prepare an initial membership fee of $7500 (WTH?) and monthly fee of $750. Quite a lot of money, especially for student like me.

But fear not, to offset the expensive price, Elite 750 provided you with additional services include email archiving and printout, stuff that your regular email already provides (Of course whether such service worth the money paid can be very deceiving in the view of superpower people). Money can’t get you everything too you know, as the number of accounts each country are limited, and the quota varies from country to country. So far, applications for the Bahrain, Malaysia, Germany, Monaco, Gibraltar, Argentina, Uruguay, The Bahamas, and Switzerland are no longer available as the country quota has been reached.

I for one accept donation if any of you interested to pay me an access to this "awesome" feature. I will gladly accept it, just contact me. You fin contact me form in the bottom left on this page. Of course I'd prefer you give me that money instead of silly email address.
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