This Man is..... The World's Record of Patent Holder

You know this man above? Chance are, you won't know him unless you are a Japanese people (and I doubt you are). The man is Yoshiro Nakamatsu or also better known as Dr. Nakamatsu is the record holder of Patented inventions with 3.357 inventions and it seems quite unlikely that there is someone who will take his place for some time since the 2nd place holder wide known as Thomas Alva Edison "only" comes with 1.093 patents in his life. Really far and since Nakamatsu is still alive until today, of course the number of his collection can be still added.

Nakamatsu’s most notable invention is one that helped change the world at the time – the floppy disk. IBM made a deal with him in the late 70′s for his floppy-disk related patents that are bound by a non-disclosure agreement, so they may take most of the credit. Although the sum paid to him has never been revealed, he has lived the life of an extremely eccentric multi-millionaire ever since. Besides the floppy disk, Dr. Nakamatsu also holds patents for the core technology behind the CD, the DVD, the digital watch and even the taxi-cab meter. Unfortunately until this date, not a single one of above invention actually proven (Based on his claim only).

Of course, being Japanese, the good Doctor thankfully didn’t limit himself to just patenting items for sane people.

In fact, among the items he has patented, produced and sold very profitably – mainly to fellow Japanese – are:
"PyonPyon" jumping shoes with leaf springs on their soles.
"Cerebrex" armchair, a chair that supposedly improves mental function such as calculation and thinking by cooling the head and heating the feet.
A toilet seat lifter.
A condom with an embedded magnet, supposedly "improving sensitivity" as "electricity is generated in the blood vessels in the female organs by Fleming's left-hand rule".
A CD for supposedly "enhancing brightness or sexual function".
A cigarette like device for supposedly "activating the brain".
A pillow preventing falling asleep while driving (an air compressor strapped to the cars headrest, forcibly feeding air to the driver).
A peephole in a sheet of material, described as a "oneway visible shielding object".
Spectacles in the shape of eyes, so that the user appears to wear no spectacles.
A "Wig for self defense" — a strip and a weight are attached to a wig. The wearer swings the wig to hit an attacker.

If you think that he is really a great person and aspire to be himself. He suggest you to drown your head into water until 5 seconds before you died. Lacking of oxygen will make your brain generate of unique idea. Feel free to try that, if it actually happen. You can email me, but if something went wrong, I ain't take no responsibility dude!
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