China Idea about Going Green

Looking for something new? Worry not, China always have something for you. With how people talk against issue of Global warming and about being green. China offer something which is really green.

Once regarded as the best beach city in China, Qingdao is dealing with its seasonal headache once again this month: raking up an enormous carpet of florescent green algae from the Yellow Sea (黄海)

While the floating golf course of algae is not poisonous, it consumes large amounts of oxygen that can threaten fish and other marine life. So I guess it's not good just being green.

Even with swarming number of Algae on the beach, it seems tourist and locals haven't let it spoil their trip to Qingdao’s Number One Beach (第一海水浴场). Adventurous beachgoers frolicking in the waters experiencing the rare chance to get neck-deep in fuzzy slime.

Of course there is no scientifically experiment on what happen if you suddenly eat that thing. Considering Spirulina, one species of Algae consist high amount of Protein, their other kind shouldn't be too different. Of course that's only if what Algae feeding is not from sewage outflow.

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