Example of Effective Marketing

Made by Surfrider Foundation Europe, this calendar tried to bring to attention toward preserving oceans and coastal water from future damage. Well, it's not rare for a foundation trying to make others pay attention to their campaign. But nonetheless, not all campaign can be categorized as brilliant enough as to make people stop and thinking about it or maybe even making people remember it.

While the content of the campaign is indeed a noble purpose, but what is more attracting of this campaign is how they promote it. Using a sexy model draped with nothing but oil bikinis indeed successfully gain people attention (including me!). This spectacular calendar does double duty as being both proactive and provocative.

They offered this calendar for every member of Surfrider Foundation Europe. Sadly I can't lay my hand on this one. They should give it away to all people freely, after all oceans belongs to everyone. Tee-Hee XD
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